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First Conference of the Council of Australian Weed Science Societies (1978)

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.



Application techniques
G.S. Hartley   pp. 1-14
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The value of controlled droplet application (C.D.A.) as a spot spray technique for the control of noxious weeds in Victoria
J.H. Combellack   pp. 15-24
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An evaluation of controlled droplet application (C.D.A.) hand-held sprayers for spot spraying
J.H. Combellack and R.G. Richardson   pp. 25-32
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The concepts and problems of formulating phenoxy acid type herbicides for spot spray application using controlled droplet application (C.D.A.)
K. Shaw and J.H. Coinbellack   pp. 33-38
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Field trials with C.D.A. spot sprayers
J.H. Conibellack and R.V. Harris   pp. 39-50
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Aerial spraying of herbicides
L. Moulden   pp. 51-56
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New products

Fosamine - a new brush control agent
J.G. Campion   pp. 57-63
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Hoe 23408 - a new post-emergent grass herbicide
I.P. Anderson   pp. 64-66
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Triclopyr - a new herbicide for control of broadleaved and woody weeds
K.A. Watson   pp. 67-70
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Oryzalin - a new product for horticultural use
P.L. Allen and L.B. Lowe   pp. 71-75
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A new concept for controlling aquatic weeds
G. Diatloff   p. 76
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Herbicide antidotes in tomatoes
T.E. Cox and D.J. Swain   pp. 77-82
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Development of plant growth regulators - mefluidide - a review
R. Jobling   pp. 83-86
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Product development

Industry's attitude to product development and registration
J.C. Benstead   pp. 87-90
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Government's attitudes to product development - development protocols
A. Mears   pp. 91-96
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Biological control

Recent advances in the biological control of weeds
J.M. Cullen   pp. 97-107
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Preliminary indications of success in the biological control of Harrisia cactus (Eriocereus martinnii) in Queensland
R.E. McFadyen and A.J. Tomley   pp. 108-112
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Biological control of aquatic weeds in Australia
K.L.S. Harley, I.W. Forno and M.H. Julien   pp. 113-118
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The effect of goats on serrated tussock
M.H. Campbell and P.J. Holst   pp. 119-122
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A review of the biocontrol of groundsel-bush (Baccharis halimifolia) in Queensland
P.J. McFadyen   pp. 123-126
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Weeds of tropical and subtropical situations

New advances in weed control in tropical and sub tropical situations
E. Rochecouste   pp. 127-144
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An historial overview of exotic and weedy plants in the Northern Territory
A.S. Mitchell   pp. 145-153
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An assessment of parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus) in grazing lands - preliminary results
I.J. Dale, C.N. Jacobsen and R.J Tucker   pp. 154-156
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Herbicidal control of Parthenium hystrophorus L.
T.R. Armstrong   pp. 157-164
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Factors affecting the distribution of rubber-vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) in north Queensland
I. Dale   pp. 165-170
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The relative toxicity of three alkylamines and two alkanolamines to Cryptotegia grandiflora leaf discs
G.J. Harvey   pp. 171-178
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The spread and control of Salvinia molesta in Lake Moondarra, Mount Isa, Queensland
T.P. Farrell   pp. 179-188
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Weeds of summer crops

Controlling Datura in soybeans with bentazone
W.L. Felton   pp. 189-196
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Tolerance of navy beans to the post-emergence herbicides bentazone and dinoseb
S.R. Walker   pp. 197-202
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Off-type sorghums as weeds of cultivation
W.H. Hazard and R.G. Henzell   pp. 203-206
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Metolachlor plus atrazine — a combination pre-emergence herbicide for broad spectrum weed control in maize and sweet corn
J.M. Swain, R. Thomson, M. Chin and D.J. McQuinn   pp. 207-211
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Post-emergence chemicals for use in seedling lucerne
G.P. Mahoney   pp. 212-214
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Weeds of winter crops

Weed control in cereals - now and in the future
J.D. Nalewaja   pp. 215-222
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Control of winter weeds with glyphosate prior to direct drilling of winter cereals in Victoria
R.D. Seeney and F.C. Eady   pp. 223-228
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Tolerance of wheat to metribuzin
D. Nicoll   pp. 229-232
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Germination of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
C.M. Piggin, T.C. Reeves, H.D. Brooke and G.R. Code   pp. 233-240
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The herbicidal control of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.)
G.R. Code, T.G. Reeves, H.D. Brooke and C.M. Piggin   pp. 241-248
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Effect of rates and times of applicaticcn of diuron, linuron and methabenzthiazuron on wheat yield and soursob control
J.R. Peirce   pp. 249-253
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Some results of field trials in wheat with Hoe 23408 for the control of annual ryegrass (Lolium sp.) and wild oats (Avena spp.)
I.P. Anderson   pp. 254-258
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Farmer involvement in noxious weeds policy making in Western Australia
J.A. Ritchie, M.T. Sexton and J.A. Swarts   pp. 259-266
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Specifications and standards for phenoxy acid herbicides
T.W. Donaldson and K. Shaw   pp. 267-272
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Advances in weed distribution mapping
E.G. Cuthbertson   pp. 273-288
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Non crop weeds

Recent advances in weed control in non-crop areas
C.M. Switzer   pp. 289-296
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An investigation of weed problems in Sydney Harbour National Park
L.W. Smith and Jeanette Patterson   pp. 297-303
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Glyphosate for the control of competing vegetation in Pinus radiata plantations at Myrtleford
G. Minko   pp. 304-316
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Early growth response of radiata pine to grass control and superphosphate in the Strzelecki Ranges
D.W. Flinn   pp. 317-320
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The distribution and spread of salvinia in Australia
D.S. Mitchell   pp. 321-326
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Control of Salvnia molesta in Tinaroo Falls Dam with 'AF 101', an experimental material
A.C. Julian   pp. 327-332
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The role of fire in boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) control in bushland
D. Lane and K. Shaw   pp. 333-335
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Early weed and grass control for plantation establishment in Tasmania
R. Van Schie   pp. 336-344
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Current methods of controlling gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) in New Zealand
G.W. Ivens   pp. 345-350
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Recommendations for the control of artichoke thistle (Cynara cardunculus) with dicamba and picloram
K. Shaw and E. Bruzzese   pp. 351-356
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The effect of slashing on Chinese scrub
B.C. Curnow, P.R. Talay and H.R. Jones   pp. 357-361
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Aerial application of tetrapion for the control of serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma)
M.H. Campbell, J.J. Dellow, P.G. Mathews and W.M. Barrett   pp. 362-364
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Adoption of research results in relation to herbicide usage for the control of a noxious weed
M.H. Campbell   pp. 365-369
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Effect of Hoe 23408 on sirosa phalaris seedlings
G.P. Mahoney   pp. 370-371
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Effect of time of immersion in running and still water on the germination of silver-leaf nightshade
P.A. Rutherford   pp. 372-378
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Novel approaches to weed control

Novel approaches to weed control
J.R. Ward   pp. 379-386
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Videotapes as an extension aid for weed control
J.E. Pratley, A.R. Leys and K.V. Simmons   pp. 387-388
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Economics of weed control

Economics of weed control in non-crop areas
B.H. Hyde-Wyatt   pp. 389-401
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Economics of weed control in broad-acre crop
G.J. Wells   pp. 402-409
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The economics of weed control in horticultural crop
M.N. Kinsella   pp. 410-421
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The economic loss caused by serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma) in New South Wales
D.T. Vere and M.H. Campbell   pp. 422-425
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Economics of controlling serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma) on the table1ands of New South Wales
D.T. Vere and M.H. Campbell   pp. 426-430
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Principles of weed legislation
H.P.C. Trumble   pp. 431-442
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