Objectives of CAWS
This is the old CAWS website. Please go to our new website for the most up-to-date information.
Under the CAWS Constitution, the object of CAWS is to encourage and foster the study and promotion of weed science and technology in Australia and New Zealand and in particular to:
- Provide independent, representative leadership for weed management in Australia and New Zealand, including in the weed specific areas of science, policy, planning and operations;
- Initiate and support trans-nationally significant weed related activities to meet the interests of Australian and/or New Zealand society members;
- Continue to support the Australian/Australasian Weeds Conference and provide other forums for information exchange, networking and debate;
- Provide national and international policy positions, promote weed awareness in the government and the general community and provide a capacity to respond to weed issues;
- Support specific national and international weed related publications;
- Provide national and international level services, products and communication opportunities to individual members of member societies.