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10th Australian Weeds Conference/14th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference (1993)

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
6-10 September 1993.
Published by Weed Society of Queensland

Volume 1


Plenary papers

Weed management - towards tomorrow
K.F. Kon   pp. 1-9
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The contribution of plant biology and ecology to the biological control of weeds
D.T. Briese   pp. 10-18
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The Australian national weeds strategy
I.W. Smith, R. Marlin and I. Smith   pp. 19-22
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Weed distribution and infestation in China
H-Y. Tang   pp. 23-26
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New herbicides

Metosulam - a new triazolpyrimidine sulfonanilide herbicide for broadleaf weed control in winter cereals
P. Downard and K. Webb   pp. 27-30
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Flumetsulam - a new post-emergence herbicide for broadleaved weed control in undersown wheat and in medic, sub clover and lucerne seal crops and pastures
J.R. Phimister and P.R. Downard   pp. 31-35
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AC 322,140 - a new broad-spectrum herbicide for selective control in transplanted and water-seeded rice
I.S. Quakenbush, S.J. Rodaway, H. Teele, T.E. Brady, B. Lapade, P. Marc, M.E. Condon and T. Malefyt   pp. 36-40
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Cyhalofop butyl: a new graminicide for use in rice
P.G. Ray, K.G. Pews, J. Flake, J. Secor and A. Hamburg   pp. 41-45
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DPX-PE350 - a new post-emergent herbicide for cotton
P. Mesch and L. Arends   pp. 46-50
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Herbicide technology

The mode of action of diflufenican and possibilities for improvement of post-emergence activity
A.H. Catchpole and R.P.L. Plumbe   pp. 51-54
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DE-511 - a new low rate triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in cereals and maize
M. Snel, P.A Watson, N.R. Gray, W.A. Kleschick and C.M. Carson   pp. 55-58
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Characterisng low volume spray deposits using artificial targets
J.W. Nichols, J.H. Combellack and N.D. Hallam   pp. 59-63
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Evaluation of surfactants for increasing the efficacy of triclopyr on gorse in Hawaii
P. Motooka, K. Onuma and O. Nagai   pp. 64-67
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Adjuvants improve control of warm zone grasses with sulfonylurea herbicides in maize
T.K. James and A. Rahman   pp. 68-72
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Multipurpose Agrimax adjuvant system
T. Parker   pp. 73-76
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Leaf surfaces of wheat and ryegrass and droplet spread
K.J. Levick, N.D. Hallam and J.H. Combellack   pp. 77-80
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Biocontrol with pathogens

Potential for bioherbicides in developing countries
B.A. Auld   pp. 81-83
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Puccinia cardui-pycnocephali, a potential agent for the biological control of slender thistles in Australia
P. Chaboudez, R.H. Groves and J.J. Burdon   pp. 84-88
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The establishment of Uromyces heliotropii Sred., a biological control agent of Heliotropium europaeum L.
A.W. Sheppard, R.C. Lewis and E.S. Delfosse   pp. 89-93
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Biocontrol with insects

Biological control of broom, Citisus scoparius, in Australia
A.J. Wapshere and J.R. Hosking   pp. 94-98
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Effectiveness of Rhinocyllus conicus as a biological control agent for nodding thistle, Carduus nutans, in Australia
T.L Woodburn and J.M. Cullen   pp. 99-103
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Insects and diseases of fireweed, Senecio madagascariensis, and the closely related Senecio lautus complex
R.H, Holtkamp and J.R. Hosking   pp. 104-106
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Biocontrol issues

A renewed attempt at the biological control of Lantana camara
H.W. Willson   pp. 107-110
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Integrated weed control and low tillage systems

Weeds in no-till fallows in northern New South Wales
W.L. Felton and G.A. Wicks   pp. 111-115
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Study on weed control in no-tillae summer corn in North China
S.R. Li, Z.G. You, X.Y. Lu, W.S. Zhu, L.L. Wu, B.L. Li and H.Z. Yuan   pp. 116-120
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Effects of fat hen and broad-leaved dock on cereal yields
A.I. Popay, W. Stiefel and E. Sorenson   pp. 121-124
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Weed control in revegetation

The biology of tussock sedge (Carex appressa) and its control in unploughed land
M.H. Campbell and D.W. Burbidge   pp. 125-129
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Suppression of weed growth during the germination and establishment of native grasses used for revegetation
P. Reyenga and D.G. Williams   pp. 130-132
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Weeds in cereals and rice

The use of fluroxypyr for broad-leaved weed control in sorghum in southern QueensLand and northern New South Wales
C.O. Love   pp. 133-136
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Influnence of post-emergence application timing on rhizome johnson grass control in corn with nicosulfuron and primisulfuron
I.J. Moshier and R.F. Camacho   pp. 137-140
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Terbutryne plus MCPA for seedling saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus) control in winter cereals
O.B. Hildebrand   pp. 141-143
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Effective weed control technology for dry seeded rice in Korea
S-C. Kim   pp. 144-148
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Cyhalofop-butyl grass herbicide - field performance in rice in Japan
T. Matsumoto, K. Matsuya, H. Katahashi, N. Kondo and Y. Imai   pp. 149-153
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AC322,140 - a new herbicide for use in transplanted paddy rice in Japan
S. Murai, H. Hasui, K. Kawai, M. Kimpara and M. Suzuki   pp. 154-158
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Environmental weeds

Envirvnmental weeds in Tasmania
K.R. Young   pp. 159-161
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The current status of weeds in selected national parks in southeast Queensland
W.L. Thompson   pp. 162-166
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Weeds of Western Australia's west coast offshore islands
G.K. Keighery   pp. 167-171
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Naturalised weeds of rainforests and associated habitats in tropical Queensland
J.T. Swarbrick   pp. 172-175
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Environmenta1 monitoring of weed control on Aboriginal land: a case study
G.D. Cook   pp. 176-180
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Weeds in pastures

Differential response of four pasture legume species to broad-leaf herbicides
D.G. Bowran   pp. 181-185
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The evaluation of herbicides and application techniques for the control of St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum var. angustifolium) in grazing areas of New South Wales
R. Watson and C.O. Love   pp. 186-189
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The effect of pasture density and composition on vulpia
A.R. Leys, P.M. Dowling and B. Plater   pp. 190-192
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Management practices associated with increase of vulpia in pastures - a survey
P.M. Dowling, A.R. Leys and B. Plater   pp. 193-197
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Safer use of herbicides

Towards safer and more efficient use of residual herbicides in the north-eastern grain region of Australia
S.R. Walker, P.A. Hargreaves, R.J. Jettner, R.M. Noble, J.M. Marley and V.A. Osten   pp. 198-201
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Mode of safening action of naphthalic anhydride against injury of sulfonylurea and imidazolinone herbicides in maize
I.T. Hwang, K.Y. Cho and J.C. Chun   pp. 202-207
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Woody weeds

Tebuthiuron controls brigalow and gidgee regrowth in Queensland
G.W. Fosse   pp. 208-212
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Control of Chinese shrub with triclopyr/picloram and glyphosate by handgun application
C.L. Plater   pp. 213-216
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Aquatic weeds

Pond apple (Annona glabra) - a new and aggressive weed of wetlands in tropical Queensland
J.T Swarbrick   pp. 217-219
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Salvinia molesta in Kakadu National Park: biological control
M.H. Julien and M.J. Storrs   pp. 220-224
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Ludwigia peruviana - description and biology
S.W.L. Jacobs, F. Perrett, M. Brock, K.H. Bowmer, G. McCorkelle, J. Rawling, J. Stricker and G.R. Sainty   pp. 225-228
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Weeds in crops

Volunteer potato control in onions
A.C. Bishop, K.R. Young, J.W. Nicholls and L.H. Hingston   pp. 229-232
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Cereal cover crops for vegetable production in Tasmania
K.R. Young and L.H. Hingston   pp. 233-237
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Tolerance of four Fijian sugarcane varieties to pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides
S.A. Yin and S.J. Yang   pp. 238-242
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Weed control in sod seeding soybean in Japan
K. Noguchi, K. Nakatini and W.M.D. Wasala   pp. 243-246
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Modelling the fate of brome grass in the lupin/wheat rotation
C.M. Zaicou, R.J. Martin and G.S. Gill   pp. 247-250
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Metribuzin as a broad-leaved post-emergence herbicide for narrow leaf lupins
J.A. Cooper and D.C. Bowran   pp. 251-255
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Weeds in tree crops

Herbicide tolerance of potential orchard ground covers
K.C. Harrington and M.R. Grant   pp. 256-260
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Weed interference in tea tree plantations
J.G. Virtue, B.G. Sutton, R.D. Cousens and G.J. Murtagh   pp. 261-264
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Other weed situations

Selective control of wandering jew with fluroxypyr foliar spray
A.R. Murphy   pp. 265-268
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Container-grown temperate nursery stock: herbicide screening and weed control
A.R. Harradine, B.R. Graham and A.J. Dix   pp. 269-273
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Chopper imazypyr herbicide for weed suppression in Japan - a new concept for industrial vegetation
H. Hasui, Y. Handa, Y. Ikeda, K. Kimura and S. Takahashi   pp. 274-277
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Liberation thinning in peat swamp forests in Sarawak
I.B. Ipor, E. Chai and M. Ali   pp. 278-281
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Herbicide resistance and tolerance

Development of herbicide resistance in annual ryegrass in the cropping belt of Western Australia
G.S. Gill   pp. 282-285
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Determination of the extent of herbicide resistance in southern New South Wales
J.E. Pratley, R.J. Graham and A.R. Leys   pp. 286-288
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Herbicide resistance communication in Western Australia
R.J. Martin, R. Kelly and G.S. Gill   pp. 289-293
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Herbicide resistance in a wild oat biotype is due to mutant acetyl coenzyme A cathoxylase
C. Maneechote, J.A.M. Holtum and S.B. Powles   pp. 294-298
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Towards an understanding of the mechanisms of resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) herbicides in Alopecurus mysuroides (black grass)
L.M. Hall, S. Moss and S.B. Powles   pp. 299-301
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Competitive ability of the paraquat resistant biotype of Erigeron philadelphicus
M. Satoh, Y. Usami and H. Koizumi   pp. 302-305
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Crop sensitivity to residues of atrazine and chlorsulfuron in a soil-free system
R.J. Jettner, J.D. Churchett, S.R. Walker, S.W. Adkins and F.P.C. Blamey   pp. 306-309
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Tolerance of perennial ryegrass/white clover pastures to five sulfonylurea herbicides
A. Rahman, T.K. James, P. Sanders and K. Nicholson   pp. 310-314
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The impact of developing herbicide resistant crop plants
R.J. Field, A.J. Conner and M.H. Foreman   pp. 315-318
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Field testing of potato lines genetically modified for chlorsulfuron resistance
T.J. Moses, R.J. Field and A.J. Conner   pp. 319-322
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Enhancement of cytochrome P-450 mediated aryl hydroxylation of bentazon in rice microsomes
J.Y. Pyon and N.E. Balke   pp. 323-326
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Responce and acetolactale synthase activity in different rice (Oryzu sativa L.) cultivars to cinosulfuron
S. Park, K.U. Kim and D-H. Shin   pp. 327-332
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Allelopathy and weed communities

Allelopathic potential of broom (Sarothamnus scoparius) dominating post-fire stands in southwest Japan
M. Nemoto, N. Nakagoshi, H. Horie and N. Nishimura   pp. 333-338
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Allelopathic potential of Eupatorium odoratum in abandoned shifting cultivation fields in tropical Asia
N. Nakamura and M. Nemoto   pp. 339-343
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Colonization by the annual weed Emex australis
F.D. Panetta and R.P. Randall   pp. 344-348
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Changes of weed communities in lowland rice fields in Korea
K.H. Park, Y.C. Ku and Y.J. Oh   pp. 349-352
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Weed population shifts in crop fields in Shanghai and appropriate control strategies
H-Y. Tang   pp. 353-357
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Weed ecology

The biology of Lolium: will L. temulentum be similar to L. rigidum and threaten crop rotations in Western Australia?
W.M. Blacklow and C. Andreasen   pp. 358-362
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Comparison of the ecology of bitou bush and boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) in South Africa and Australia
J.K. Scott   pp. 363-367
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Aspects of the ecology of African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum)
P.A. Erkelenz   pp. 368-371
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Weed biology

Some aspects of the biology of raspweed (Haloragis aspera)
V.A. Osten, S.W. Adkins, S.R. Walker and L. Broom   pp. 372-375
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Comparative biology of cruciferous weeds: a preliminary study
R. Cousens, R. Baweja, J. Vaths and M. Schofield   pp. 376-380
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Weed morphology and distribution

Differences in morphology and susceptibility to herbicides between seedlings of Beckmannia sizigachne and Alopercurus aequalis var amurensis in wheat and barley cropping in Southern Japan
H. Morita   pp. 381-384
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Morphology and distribution of Ammania auriculata Willd. in paddy fields of Southern Japan
S. Nakayama and H. Morita   pp. 385-387
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Assessment of the origins of Tribulus terrestris in Australia
S.M. Morrison and J.K. Scott   pp. 388-391
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Variation in leaf form and flowering period of capeweed (Arctotheca calendula)
H. Wood   pp. 392-394
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Latitudinal differentiation in heading photoperiod sensitivity and seed dormancy of Echinochloa oryzicola, an obligate weed in flooded rice
V. Yamasue, K. Nakatini and T. Kusanagi   pp. 395-399
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Weed physiology and reproduction

Effect of application time of two selective herbicides on panicle and seed production of wild oats (Avena spp.)
A.S. Cook, M.G. McMillan, R.W. Medd and R.D.B. Whalley   pp. 400-403
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Reproduction and genetic variation in johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) populations
R.F. Camacho, M.J. Horak, L.J. Moshier and D.Z. Skinner   pp. 404-405
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Growth, biomass allocation and response to glyphosate of Imperata cylindrica grown under different light conditions
I.B. Ipor and C.S. Tawan   pp. 406-409
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Reproductive strategy of Equisetum arvense L
K. Nakatani, K. Noguchi and T. Kusanagi   pp. 410-413
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The effect of germination stimulants on seedling emergence of wild oat (Avena fatua) from soil
S.W. Adkins   pp. 414-418
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Effect of time of emergence on reproductive biology of Australian populations of wild oat (Avena fatua)
I.J. Armstrong and S.W. Adkins   pp. 419-422
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Regenerative capacity of root fragments of Cardaria draba
A.R. Harradine   pp. 423-426
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Effect of burial depth on dock root regrowth
A.I. Popay, W. Stiefel and D. Graves   pp. 427-430
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Weed seed excretion by sheep - temporal patterns and germinability
J.W. Heap and I. Honan   pp. 431-434
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Weed extenson, training, and the community

Progress in training agricultural chemical users in Australia
J.H. Kent   pp. 435-438
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The management of weeds on Aboriginal land with special reference to Mimosa pigra
I.L. Miller and G.C. Schultz   pp. 439-444
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Benefits of a nationwide extension program to biological control of weeds research in New Zealand
P. Syrett, L.M. Hayes and J.J. Sheat   pp. 445-449
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Towards a national approach to efficient pesticide use
G. Evans, P. Rowland and D. Adams   pp. 450-453
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The role of landcare groups in weed control
D.L. Atkins and J.M. Molloy   pp. 454-457
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Weed control boards - do we need non-scientists?
R.G.M. Harvey   pp. 458-460
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Weed invasion and management

Dynamics of weed invasion: implications for control
R.J. Hobbs   pp. 461-465
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The nature of exotic invasions in herbaceous vegetation of high and low species richness: implications for conservation and management
S. McIntyre   pp. 466-470
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Ecology of woody weed invasions in the tropical woodlands of northeastern Australia: implications for management
J.R. Brown and J.G. McIvor   pp. 471-474
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Weed economics

Economics of changing rotations to combat herbicide resistance
A. Bathgate, D.J. Pannell and C. Schmidt   pp. 475-479
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Economic integration of chemical and non-chemical weed control under herbicide resistance in continuous cropping
A.K.A. Ghadim, D.J. Pannell and R.J. Gorddard   pp. 480-484
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The eco-economic threshold period for controlling barnyard grass in summer soybeans
Z.G. You and S.R. Li   pp. 485-490
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Weed status

Orobanche broomrapes - status and potential in Australia
R.J. Carter   pp. 491-495
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Introduction and status of Kochia scoparia in Western Australia
J. Dodd and J.H. Moore   pp. 496-500
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The spread of buffalo grass in inland Australia: land use conflicts
G.F. Griffin   pp. 501-504
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Rampion mignonette and its co-ordinated control
R.J. Carter   pp. 505-509
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Volume 2


Plenary papers

Environmental impact of weeds
S.E. Humphries   pp. 1-11
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New herbicides

MON 13200 - A new pre-emergent herbicide for weed control in sugar cane
A.J. Somervaille   pp. 12-17
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Biocontrol with pathogens

Occurrence of the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis, a biological control agent of fiddfle dock (Rumex pulcher) in Western Australia
J.K. Scott and R.G. Shivas   pp. 18-19
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Integrated weed control and low tillage systems

Are pre-emergent weed control and zero tillage compatible in regions with limited rainfall?
L. Streit   pp. 20-22
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Integrated control of the shrub Dodonaea attenuata based on goat grazing and herbicide appLication
C.M. Torpy, S.J. Muir, G.J. Melville and K.I. Fraser   pp. 23-27
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Biocontrol with insects

A review of the Queensland Depanment of Lands research on biological control of weeds
G.G. White and G.P. Donnelly   pp. 28-32
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Biocontrol issues

Constraints to the introduction of biocontrol agents for prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica)
J. Marohasy   pp. 33-38
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Surveys for the native range of Clerodendnun chinense and its natural enemies
M.H. Julien   pp. 39-43
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Environmental weeds

The invasion and control of Tamarix aphylla on the Finke River, Central Australia
M.R. Fuller   pp. 44-46
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Weeds in pastures

Alternative herbicides for grass control in legume pastures
D. Stephenson, D. Roget, R. Inwood and I. Black   pp. 47-51
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Safer use of herbicides

Activated carbon improves the tolerance of lettuce to mixtures of napropamide with diuron or prometryne
J. Toth, P. Milham and L. Smith   pp. 52-57
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Weeds in field crops

Research needs for managing potential weed problems in the Malaysian agricultural industry
A.A. Ismail   pp. 58-61
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Woody weed control

Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) and its control
T. Armstrong   pp. 62-66
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Aerially applied herbicides selectively control bitou bush growing in communities of indigenous plants on sand dunes
J. Toth, P. Milham and C. Nazer   pp. 67-71
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Weeds in tree crops

Control of Clidemia hirta in mature rubber areas
M.A.A. Faiz   pp. 72-76
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Aquatic weeds

Replacement of Ludwigia peruviana with native plants using herbicides in an urban wetland
G. McCorkelle, K,H. Bowmer, G.R. Sainty and J. Stricker   pp. 77-81
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Herbicide resistance and tolerance

Sonchus oleraceus resistant to ALS inhibiting herbicides
P. Boutsalis and S.B. Powles   pp. 82-85
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Weed morphology and distribution

Distribution of bridal creeper (Myrisiphyllum agaragoides) in Western Australia
J.K. Scott and J.P. Pigott   pp. 86-89
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Weed extension, training and the community

A new approach to weed control on Tasmanian roads
P.J. Barwick and K. Young   pp. 90-94
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Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal recognition and awareness of noxious plants and control measures
I.R.B. Wilson   pp. 95-99
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Weed concrol and the Co-operative Research Centre for Tropical Pest Management
R.E. Cruttwell McFadyen   pp. 100-103
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Weed invasion and management

Weed research in India, and future thoughts
S.K. Mukhopadhyay   pp. 104-109
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Pest plant research using a whole system approach for sustainable land use in Queensland
R.A. Hynes and J.C. Scanlan   pp. 110-117
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Ecological and economic considerations for the management of shrub encroachment in Australian rangelands
N.D. McLeod, J.R. Brown and J.C. Noble   pp. 118-121
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Weed status

Are we justified in considering fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) an exotic?
J. Marohasy   pp. 122-127
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Poster abstracts

Insecticide exclusion with carbofuran demonstrates the effectiveness of Heteropsylla spinulosa as a biological control agent for Mimosa invisa in North Queensland
M.P. Ablin   p. 128
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The significance of amaranths as weeds of crops in Tasmania
A.C. Bishop   p. 128
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Cirsium arvense selectivity controlled in pasture by a Sclerotinia sclrotiorum mycoherbicide
G.W. Bourdöt, I.C. Harvey and G.A. Hurrell   p. 129
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Post-emergence grass control in lupins
A.H. Chambers and G.R Code   p. 129
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The allelopathic impact of goosefoot on crops and pastures
A.H. Cheam and S.I. Lee   p. 130
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Hydrocotyle ranunculoides in the Canning River, Western Australia
K.R. Dean and R. Ruiz-Avila   p. 130
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Distribution of silverleaf nightshade (Solanum eleagnifolium) in the sheep/wheat belt of New South Wales
I.J. Dellow   p. 131
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Host specificity of the bruchid Mimosestes ulkei, as a biological control agent for Parkinsonia aculeata in Australia
G.P. Donnelly   p. 131
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Proposal to establish a national buffer zone to prevent the westward movement of rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) in Australia
M.R. Fuller   p. 132
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Differential growth and anatomical characteristics of rice and barnyardgrass under various cropping patterns
J.O. Gub, S.U. Chon, T.D. Park and S.L. Kwon   p. 132
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Evaluation of a triazine immunoassay kit
P.A. Hargreaves and R.M. Noble   p. 133
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Management strategies reduce herbicides in rice field tail waters of the Sacremento Valley
J.E. Hill, S.C. Scardaci, J.F. Williams and S.R. Roberts   p. 133
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Bamboo - poLentially useful plants and potential weeds
C. Holsinger   p. 134
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Variation of seed dormancy in weed wild rice (Oryza) species
H. Hyakutake and S. Yoshida   p. 134
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Herbicide usage recording system
C. Knight   p. 135
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Photodegradation of bensulfuronmethyl herbicide under simulated environmental conditions
Y. Kobara and T. Suzuki   p. 135
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Selective mode of action of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl among rice cultivars and Cyperus serotinus
K. Kayashi and H. Sugiyama   p. 136
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The mechanism of action of dimepiperate on several other herbicides in rice seedlings
D.J. Lee, K. Usui, H. Matsumoto and K. Ishizuka   p. 136
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Mechanism of selectivity of diphenyl ether herbicide oxyfluorfen
J.J. Lee, H. Matsumoto and K. Usui   p. 137
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Tolerances of oat and triticale cuitivars to herbicide
D. Lemerle and R.B. Hinkley   p. 137
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Differential competitive ability of winter crops to annual ryegrass, Lollium rigidum
D. Lemerle and B. Plater   p. 138
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Porphyrin intermediates invoived in herbicidal action of δ-aminolevulinic acid in Lemna paucicostata Hegelm
H. Matsumoto and K. Ishizuka   p. 138
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ACIAR project for the biological control of Siam weed in Indonesia and the Philippines
H. Crutwell McFadyen   p. 139
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Public issues in the release of herbicide resistant crops
G. McLean and G. Evans   p. 139
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Synergism between two fungi kills Noogoora burr
L. Morin, B.L. Auld and J.F. Brown   p. 140
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Integrated shrub management in semi-arid woodlands: A preliminary evaluation of sub-lethal chemical defoliants applied to young coppice regrowth
J.C. Noble, A.C. Grice and W.J. Muller   p. 140
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Crop tolerance to residual herbicides in Central Queensland
V.A. Osten, S.R. Walker and L. Broom   p. 141
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Cardamine flexuosa: The real nursery weed
T. Ozanne and S.W. Adkins   p. 141
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Predicting sulfonylurea degradation in soils depends on a valid measure of pH in the soil solution
P.C. Pheloung and W.M. Blacklow   p. 142
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Control of Himalayan honeysuckle (Leycesteria formosa)
G.H. Pritchard   p. 142
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Mining and weeds
D.S. van Rangelrooy   p. 143
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The ecology of Myrsiphyllum asparagoides, an environmental weed in south-eastern Australia
K. Raymond   p. 143
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Potential movement of glyphosate and metsulfuron methyl residues in coastal sand dunes
D. Salotti and W.A. Mylne-Home   p. 144
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Distribution of Bridal creeper (Myrsiphyllum asparagoides) in Western Australia
J.K Scott and J.P. Piggott   p. 144
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Occurrence of the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis, a biological control agent of Fiddle dock (Rumex pulcher) in Western Australia
J.K. Scott and R.G. Shivas   p. 145
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A Canadian strain of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, a possible mycoherbicide for St John's Wort, Hypericum perforatum
R.C.H. Shepherd   p. 145
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The International Weed Science Society
L.W. Smith   p. 146
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Biology, ecology and control of cats-claw creeper
K.M. Sparshott   p. 146
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The BUSHWEED database of environmental weeds in Australia
J.T. Swarbrick   p. 147
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The global working group on weeds of conservation areas
J.T. Swarbrick   p. 147
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Fluroxypyr gives rapid knockdown of Madiera vine (Anredera cordfolia) and kill of mother-of-millions (Kalanchoe spp.)
J.T. Swarbrick   p. 148
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Environmental factors influence efficacy of glyphosate applied to barnyard grass (Echinochloa colona)
S. Tantipat, M. Boersma and S.W. Adkins   p. 148
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Environmental factors influence efficacy of glyphosate applied to wild oat (Avena fatua)
S. Tantipat and S.W. Adkins   p. 149
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Rubber vine rust, Maravalia cryptostegiae, a potential biocontrol agent for rubber vine, Cryptostegia grandiflora
A.J. Tomley   p. 149
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Acetolactate synthase activities and amino acid levels in bensulfuron methyl resistant plant cells
K. Usui, K. Sengnil, S. Suwanwong and K. Ishizuka   p. 150
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Effect of aerial water volume on triclopyr/picloram applied to rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora)
J.S. Vitteli   p. 150
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Pasture manipulation with simazine, paraquat and diquat
A. Wallace   p. 151
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A study of the mode of action of the herbicide butachlor
Y-S. Wang, Y-D. Cheng and Y-L. Chen   p. 151
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Picloram/triclopyr basal bark spray for control of woody weed regrowth
G.S. Wells   p. 152
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The Alan Fletcher Research Station - Queensland's major weed control laboratory
G.G. White   p. 152
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Fleshy fruited weeds and native species in the diet of native and introduced birds
P.A. Williams and B.J. Karl   p. 153
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Biological control of water hyacinth in Australia, Thailand and Malaysia
A.D. Wright, D.A. Stegeman, B. Napompeth, P. Sommartya, W. Suasa-ard, A. Winotai, Working Group on Biological Control of Aquatic Weeds - Malaysia, M. Trevino, P. Popovic and R. Ensbey   p. 153
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Computer program abstracts

The development of a Tasmanian herbicide advisory package
A.C. Bishop, P. Gillard, A. Harradine and K.R. Young   p. 154
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A computer expert system for optimum seiection of herbicides for use in sugarcane
P.J. Malein   p. 154
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A computer-based system for predicting the potential distribution and relative abundance of species in relation to climate
D.L. Skarratt, G.F. Maywald and R.W. Sutherst   p. 155
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Development of a computer aided chemical weed control expert system
Y. You, L.X. Xiao and G. Kahnt   p. 155
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Video abstracts

Woody weed control burns
R.M. Barclay   p. 156
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The ecological impact and control of blue thunbergia (Thunbergia grandiflora)
P.E. van Haaren   p. 156
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