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First Australian Weed Control Conference (1954)

Roseworthy Agricultural College, South Australia.
2-5 August 1954.
Published by CSIRO



  p. 7
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  pp. 8-9
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  pp. 10-13
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Importance of weeds in Australian agriculture
A.R. Callaghan   p. 14
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The weed problem in Australia

Principles of weed control
R.M. Moore   pp. 15-21
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The most important weeds of the Australian states
  pp. 22-31
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Control of weeds in New Zealand
  pp. 32-37
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List of weeds in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea
  pp. 38-47
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Weed control in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea
  pp. 48-51
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Discussion of session
  pp. 52-53
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Chemicals as herbicides

Chemical and physiological interaction of herbicides
C.G. Greenham   pp. 54-61
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Recently developed herbicides
E. Levi   pp. 62-65
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Soil sterilants
B.D. Robinson   pp. 66-69
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The search for weedicides
B.D. Robinson   pp. 70-72
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Discussion of session
  pp. 73-75
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Methods of applying chemicals

Review of methods of applying chemicals
H.E. Orchard   pp. 76-80
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Aerial spraying
I.McL. Eadie   pp. 81-85
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Aerial spraying
W.A. Lee   pp. 86-88
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Discussion of session
  p. 89
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Biological control of weeds

Some aspects of the biological control of weeds in Australia
F. Wilson   pp. 91-99
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Biological control of weeds
A.P . Dodd   pp. 100-105
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A review of the control of St. John's wort in Victoria
W.T. Parsons   pp. 106-108
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Discussion of session
  pp. 109-110
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Control of herbaceous perennials

Control of hoary cress (Cardaria draba L. Desv.)
R.M. Moore   pp. 111-112
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Skeleton weed
E. Tindale   pp. 113-114
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Discussion of session
  p. 115
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Control of bulbous perennials with particular reference to the Cape tulips Homeria sp.
A.J.K. Walker   pp. 116-120
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The control of Cape tulip Homeria spp. in Western Australia
G.R.W. Meadly   pp. 121-123
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The control of soursob Oxalis pes-caprae L.
H.E. Orchard   pp. 124-127
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Control of nut-grass
S.L. Everist   pp. 128-129
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Discussion of session
  pp. 130-131
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Graminaceous weeds
E.F. Fricke   pp. 132-137
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Serrated tussock
K.R. Green   pp. 138-139
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The problem of perennial grasses in irrigated regions
E. Levi   pp. 140-144
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Discussion of session
  p. 145
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Review of recent research on ragwort in Victoria
W.T. Parsons   pp. 146-148
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The control of onion weed by competing pasture plants
B. Roark and C.M. Donald   pp. 149-150
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Discussion of session
  p. 151
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Control of woody plants

Control of woody plants
S.L. Everist   pp. 152-159
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The control of blackberry, boxthorn and sweet briar
W.T. Parsons   pp. 160-163
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Bracken fern
  p. 164
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Discussion of session
  p. 165
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Selective control of annual and biennial weeds

The selective control of annual weeds in cereal crops
G.R.W. Meadly   pp. 166-170
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Crop tolerance to hormone-type herbicidal sprays and their effect on undersown medics
H.L. Hore   pp. 171-173
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Legume tolerance
B.D. Robinson and I.McL. Eadie   pp. 174-176
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The tolerance of subterranean clover Trifolium subterraneum L. to chemical weed control in improved pastures
A.N. Johnston, K.W. Russell, S.M. Preston and G.S. Done   pp. 177-182
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Pre-emergence weed control in sugar cane areas
L.G. Vallance   pp. 183-184
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Selective weed control in vegetable crops
G.R. Edwards   pp. 185-186
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Selective control of annual weeds in summer grain crops
S.L. Everist   pp. 187-188
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King Island melilot Melilotus indica
A.W. Harrison   pp. 189-191
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Weed control in the Sunraysia area
W.J. Webster   pp. 192-193
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Discussion of session
  pp. 194-197
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Notes on weed control in pastures and on roads in Queensland, with special reference to selective weedicides
A.P. Dodd   pp. 198-203
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The effect of hormone type weedicides on saffron thistle and golden thistle
W.T. Parsons   pp. 204-207
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Discussion of session
  p. 208
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Aquatic weeds

Chemical methods for controlling hydrophytes
W.P. Dunk   pp. 209-221
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Organisation of weeds research and extension

Organization of weeds research and extension in Australia
H.E. Orchard   pp. 222-232
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Weeds research and extension in New Zealand
  pp. 233-234
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Discussion of session
  pp. 235-237
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