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Second Australian Weeds Conference (1960)

Hotel Ainslie Rex, Canberra, A.C.T..
1-4 August 1960.
Published by CSIRO

Volume 1


Biological control of weeds

A review of biological control of noxious weeds in Victoria
G.W. Douglas and L. Schmidl   pp. 10-15
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Present investigations into the biological control of Noogoora burr (Xanthium pungens)
G. Stride   pp. 16-18
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Biological control investigation projects in Queensland
A.P. Dodd   pp. 19-45
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Ecological aspects of weed control

The relevance of ecological and physiological studies to the control of soursob Oxalis pescaprae L.)
P.W. Michael   pp. 46-50
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The control of thistles Silybum and Onopordum by perennial pasture species
P.W. Michael   pp. 51-62
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The control of burgans in east Gippsland
J. Kehoe   pp. 63-68
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Experiments with bracken in non-arable pasture
J.A. Carnahan   pp. 69-77
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The Harrisia cactus problem and possible ecological control
L.A. Edye and R. Isbell   pp. 78-84
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Experiments with serrated tussock in non-arable pasture
J.A. Carnahan   pp. 85-95
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A method of eradication of serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Hack) on non-arable areas by the use of herbicides and improved plant species
M.H. Campbell   pp. 96-101
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Competition between Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Hack and Trifolium subterraneum on non-arable land
M.H. Campbell   pp. 102-113
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The eradication of serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Hack) on semi-arable areas by the use of chisel plough and pasture improvement
M. H. Campbell   pp. 114-122
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Weeds in horticulture

Experiments in the control of weeds in strawberry beds
V. Austen, J. Cox and K.R. Green   pp. 123-126
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Sodium 2-4 dichloro phenoxyethyl sulphate (S.E.S.) as a pre-emergence weedicide in strawberries
R.C. Menary   pp. 127-129
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Recent developments in weed control in pineapples
R.C. Cannon   pp. 130-132
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Chemical control of weeds under vines
A.J. Antcliff   pp. 133-134
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The problem of hardheads Centaurea repens L. in vineyards
A.J. Antcliff   pp. 135-136
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Weed control in onions
B.J. Hall   pp. 137-144
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Weed control in beetroot and silver beet
B.J. Hall   pp. 145-150
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Weed control in gladiolus
B.J. Hall   pp. 151-157
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Weed control in cucumbers, pumpkins and rockmelons
B.J. Hall   pp. 158-164
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Weed control in peas and beans
B.J. Hall   pp. 165-168
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Selective chemical weed control in onions - Victorian trials
R.O. Kefford   pp. 169-173
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The susceptibility of the Virginia bunch peanut variety to post-emergence application of phenoxy-acetic and phenoxy-butyric growth regulators
J.E. Rawson   pp. 174-181
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Varietal responses with herbicides
B.J. Hall   pp. 182-185
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Weeds in pastures

Response of irrigated seedling clover pasture to substituted phenoxy acetic and butyric acid herbicides
A.M. Annand and M. Macey   pp. 186-195
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The effect of applying low rates of herbicides to a subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) - serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Hack) association
M.H. Campbell   pp. 196-201
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The establishment and foliage production of Trifolium subterraneum when oversown on an unploughed seedbed immediately after chemical treatment
I.H. Campbell   pp. 202-208
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Chemical control of prickly pear Opuntia inermis D.C.
A.M. Annand   pp. 209-222
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Chemical control of golden thistle and artichoke thistle in Victoria
T.W. Donaldson   pp. 223-225
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The control of Californian thistle in Victoria
T.W. Donaldson   pp. 226-229
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The reaction of Onopordium acanthium L. to several herbicides
P. Cayzer and A.N. Johnston   pp. 230-235
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Ragwort control in Victoria with particular reference to regrowth problems
G.W. Douglas   pp. 236-239
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Cape tulip control and research in Western Australia
G.A. Pearce   pp. 240-246
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Weeds in crops

Weed control in cereals - some recent developments
G.R.W. Meadly   pp. 247-254
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Chemical weed control in lucerne
L.W. Smith   pp. 255-260
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Chemical control of skeleton weed in wheat undersown with subterranean clover
A.M. Armand and E. Cuthbertson   pp. 261-271
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Chemical control of Sorghum halepense in north Queensland
H.E. Young   pp. 272-275
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Experiments in the control of skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea L.) in the Mallee district of Victoria
J. McCann   pp. 276-286
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Studies on skeleton weed Chondrilla juncea L. in the New South Wales wheat belt
R.M. Moore and J.A. Robertson   pp. 287-294
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Chemical control of skeleton weed Chondrilla juncea L. in wheat in relation to yield
E. Cuthbertson   pp. 295-302
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Pre-emergence weed control

Importance of soil, climatic and other factors on pre-emergence herbicides
B.J. Hall   pp. 303-308
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Pre-emergent weed control in maize
P. Cayzer and A.N. Johnston   pp. 309-312
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Pre-emergence weed control in carrots
J.A. Robertson   pp. 313-314
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Soil sterilants

Trial on eradication of skeleton weed occurring in small patches
D.C. Evans   pp. 315-320
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The interactions of certain herbicides and herbicide mixtures on Paspalum dilatatum (Poir)
P. Cayzer and A.N. Johnston   pp. 321-329
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Soil sterilization with special reference to use of borate herbicides
B.L. Winter   pp. 330-338
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Control of woody plants

Chemical control of Australian brush species in rights of way
F.E. Hazlewood   pp. 339-358
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Chemical control of brigalow and lime bush by frill, cut-stump and basal bark techniques
F.E. Hazlewood   pp. 359-370
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Aerial application of herbicides for control of Eucalyptus and Acacia spp. in exotic pine plantation establishment
N.B. Henry   pp. 371-389
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Chemical control of eucalyptus re-growth
J.A. Robertson   pp. 390-396
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Studies in susceptibility of certain Eucalyptus and Angophora species to herbicides
A.N. Johnstone and K.W. Russell   pp. 397-408
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Recent research into the control of sweet briar in Victoria
T.W. Donaldson   pp. 409-413
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The chemical control of weed trees as an aid to forest management
R. Truman   pp. 414-426
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New herbicides

Diquat - a new herbicide and dessicant
B.D. Robinson   pp. 427-437
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Experiences with new herbicides (CDAA, CDEC, EPTC)
B.J. Hall   pp. 438-445
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Special weed problems

Preliminary investigations into broomrape in the Cootamundra district
D.C. Evans   pp. 446-449
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The skeleton weed problem in Victoria
G.W. Douglas   pp. 450-453
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A note on the occurrence of serrated tussock in Victoria
T.W. Donaldson   pp. 454-455
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Serrated tussock in Tasmania
W.M. Blacklow   pp. 456-458
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Tomato weed Solanum elaegnifolium Cav. in South Australia
A.F. Tideman   pp. 459-461
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Efforts to eradicate the North American composite Helenium tenuifolium Nutt.
A.P. Dodd   pp. 462-464
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Herbicide nomenclature
  pp. 465-469
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Volume 2


Review papers

Weeds and weeds research
R.M. Moore   pp. 5-31
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New herbicides
P.W. Michael   pp. 32-46
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South African weeds in Australia
G.O. Stride   pp. 47-50
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The effect of some plant growth substances on the esterase activity of whole tissue slices
M. Macey   pp. 51-61
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Weed control research in New Zealand
L.J. Matthews   pp. 62-70
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Recent advances in physiological studies on herbicides
C.G. Greenham   pp. 71-79
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Control of unwanted vegetation - use of soil sterilants
A.N. Johnston   pp. 80-114
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Summary of discussion
  pp. 115-118
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Report to standing committee and resolutions
  pp. 119-121
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Appendix A: Biological control of weeds
  pp. 122-123
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Appendix B: Criteria for selecting weeds appropriate for biological control investigations
  p. 124
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List of delegates
  pp. 125-127
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