Australasian Weeds Conference Travel Award

Applications are invited from people working with weeds for an award to assist with their travel to the Australasian Weeds Conference (AWC). The award is intended to support people currently working with weeds who CAWS consider would most benefit from attending the conference but who would be unlikely to attend for financial reasons without assistance from this award. The award is made available in those years that an AWC is being held.

The award is open to anyone residing in Australia or New Zealand, but members of societies affiliated with CAWS may be given preference. Likewise, those applicants that indicate that they will be presenting a poster paper or oral presentation at the AWC may also be given preference. Applicants should state how they will benefit from attending the AWC.

The selection committee will mainly take into consideration the merits of the applicant and application, though some consideration may also be given to ensuring an equitable distribution of awards across Australasia. Current members of the executive committee of CAWS are eligible to apply, assuming they meet the criteria and are not involved with the selection process.

The value of this award is $1,000 per recipient, and up to four may be awarded for any one conference depending on funding available and quality of applications. This is not expected to cover the total cost of the conference. It will therefore be necessary for an applicant to ensure that other funding is available. Some societies affiliated with CAWS may offer additional funding for recipients from their area.

On return, successful applicants are expected to send a written report about their experiences to the CAWS secretary who will organise for the report to be placed on the CAWS website. The report will also be circulated by the secretary to CAWS committee members who may wish to use some or all of the report in their local society newsletters.

A completed application form should be submitted to the CAWS secretary by 1st March in the year that an AWC is being held and the award will be made by 1st May.

Please note that some member societies have travel awards available as well which applicants may wish to consider if they belong to the appropriate society. Click for links to travel regulations available from New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and New Zealand.





