New Zealand Plant Protection Society

Tom Carlin

Tom Carlin has worked as an Invasion Ecologist at Scion (Christchurch) since graduating from his PhD in 2021. His background broadly covers macroecological models of species distributions, investigating niche shifts, zoology and weed ecology. His primary research aims to determine the drivers of wilding pine reinvasions and develop a population dynamics model to predict the success of wilding pine control measures. Tom is also involved in environmental niche modelling for trees and pre-border biosecurity threats, as well as supporting urban green spaces in New Zealand.

Mike Cripps

Mike Cripps is a scientist at AgResearch Lincoln, New Zealand. His research is primarily focused on pasture weed management, with an emphasis on classical biological control, and a current focus on thistle weeds. Before joining AgResearch in 2012, he gained substantial experience in biological control of weeds from research carried out in North America, Europe, and New Zealand. His research has involved testing plant invasion mechanisms and underpinning theory of biological control of weeds by comparing invasive weeds in their native and introduced ranges. Mike currently serves as vice president of the New Zealand Plant Protection Society.