Ninth Australian Weeds Conference (1990)

Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia.
6-10 August 1990.
Peer-reviewed proceedings edited by J.W. Heap.
Published by Crop Science Society of South Australia Inc.

Weeds in agronomic crops

Invited review: Improving the efficiency of weed control in agronomic crops
R.J. Martin and D.J. Pannell   pp. 1-9
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Do herbicides reduce income variablity from agronomic crops?
D.J. Pannell   pp. 10-14
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Seed bank dynamics of brome grass in a lupin-wheat rotation
A.H. Cheam   p. 15
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Seed bank dynamics of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) populations in wheat
R.W. Medd   pp. 16-19
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Effect of crop rotation, tillage practice and herbicide use on the population dynamics of wild oats
R.J. Martin and W.L. Felton   pp. 20-23
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Non-chemical control of wild oats through strategic crop rotation
C.E. Purvis   pp. 24-29
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The effect of grass control measures in pasture on weed populations and grain yield in following wheat crops
G.R. Code   pp. 30-34
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Control of nightstock in cereals and legumes
A.H. Mayfield and I. Dobrzinski   pp. 35-37
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Blackberry nightshade control in irrigated soybeans with cyanazine
J.A. Andrews   p. 38
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Integrated control of hoary cress
A.R. Harradine   p. 39
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Pre- and post-emergence herbicides in chickpeas: I. Crop tolerance
G. Kay and M.G. McMillan   pp. 40-43
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Pre- and post-emergence herbicides in chickpeas: II. Weed control
G. Kay and M.G. McMillan   pp. 44-48
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Control of rigid brome (Bromus rigidus) in barley using tillage, trifluralin and metribuzin
R. Matic and I.D. Black   pp. 49-52
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Drought feeding and control of yellow burrweed, Amsinckia spp.
P.A. Erkelenz, R.J. Carter, C. Phillips and I.M. Honan   pp. 53-56
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Diuron as a pre-emergence herbicide for weed control in cereals
D.G. Bowran, J.R. Pierce and D. Sawkins   pp. 57-59
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Thifensulfuron with metsulfuron methyl – A new sulfonylurea herbicide for broad-leaved weed control in winter cereals in New South Wales and Queensland
L. Arends and I.R. Pegg   pp. 60-64
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The tolerance of six wheat cultivars to chlorsulfuron and triasulfuron in Western Australia
D.G. Bowran   pp. 65-67
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Reaction of spring wheat cultivars to chlorsulfuron: tillering, absorption, transpiration and root permeability
N. Vanakitmongkol and W.M. Blacklow   p. 68
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Tolerance of wheat and barley to fallow and post-sowing application of clopyralid
G.H. Pritchard   pp. 69-72
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The effect of timing and rate of application of tralkoxydim on wild oat and ryegrass control and crop tolerance in wheat
R.M. Madin and R.J. Martin   pp. 73-77
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Simazine up for controlling wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum L., doublegee, Emex australis Steinh., and other weeds in lupins
D.J. Gilbey   pp. 78-81
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Puma�- A new post-emergence selective grass herbicide for use in wheat
I.P. Anderson and P.D. Howat   pp. 82-84
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Pendimethalin and metribuzin combinations for bromegrass, Bromus spp., control in cereals
O.B. Hildebrand   pp. 85-88
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Information on Fumaria distribution in cereal crops in southern Australia and practical guidelines to aid identification
D.J. McQuinn   p. 89
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Propaquizafop- A selective post-emergence herbicide for grass control in grain legume crops
M.W. Sumner, S.C. Macleod and K.W. Russell   p. 89
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Sencor SC (metribuzin)- An early post-emergence herbicide for toadrush (Juncus bufonis) control in cereals
R.T. Loveless and J.E. Seidel   p. 90
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Increases in susceptibility of wheat to 2,4-D at two growth stages
R. Jettner   p. 90
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Tolerance of linseed cultivars to herbicides
R.B. Hinkley and D. Lemerle   pp. 91-92
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Allelopathic growth stimulation of wild oats in continous wheat monoculture
C.E. Purvis   pp. 93-94
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Alternatives to dinoseb on processing peas in east Gippsland, Victoria
R.N. Chapman   p. 95
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Estimating the cost of wild oats (Avena spp.) to the Australian wheat industry
R.W. Medd and S. Pandey   p. 96
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Weeds in national parks, conservation and amenity areas

Invited review: Weed control in conservation reserves and amenity areas of Australia
R.H. Groves   pp. 97-102
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The need for control of exotic weeds in braided river beds for conservation of wildlife
J.M. Balneaves and K. Hughey   pp. 103-108
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A comparative study of the invasiveness of two alien fleshy-fruiting woody plants on the northern tablelands of New South Wales
D.A. Bass   pp. 109-112
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Bridal creeper, Myrsiphyllum aparagoides, in South Australia
D.A. Cooke and M. Robertson   pp. 113-115
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South African milkworts, Polygala spp., in southern Australia
R.J. Carter, D.A. Cooke, G. Chapman and P. Sheridan   pp. 116-120
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Control of rust-infected blackberry with herbicides in Victoria
G.H. Pritchard   pp. 121-124
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Cat’s claw creeper and its control
J.T. Swarbrick and K.M. Dreier   p. 125
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The commencement of biological control of bitou bush and boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera)
J.K. Scott and R.J. Adair   pp. 126-129
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Biological control of Salvinia molesta in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory
A.J. Skeat   pp. 130-133
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Vehicles as vectors of weed seeds in Kakadu National Park
W.M. Lonsdale and A.M. Lane   pp. 134-136
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Seed transmission through the digestive tract of the horse
R.S. St John-Sweeting and K.A. Morris   pp. 137-139
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Revegetation with native grasses in conservation/amenity areas
J.L. Stafford   pp. 140-143
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Revegetating with trees and shrubs on degraded land
P. Bulman   p. 144
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The use of fire to control Mimosa pigra
I.L. Miller and W.M. Lonsdale   p. 144
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Control of sisal hemp (Agave spp.) in native bushland
M.J. Foley and M.P. Bolton   p. 145
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Giant reed, Arundo donax L.- A nuisance weed in certain rail situations
A.B. McLennan   p. 146
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Extension, regulation and research techniques

Change in farmer practices following spray application field days
C.R. Newman   pp. 147-152
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What do farmers think about weeds and the Agricultural Protection Board of Western Australia?
J.M. Hector, E.J. Roberts, P. McLeod and G. Syme   pp. 153-156
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The need for training of herbicide users in urban situations
R.N. Henderson   pp. 157-158
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Computerised property inspection programme
J.E. Cherry   pp. 159-162
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Experimental design for screening competitiveness of crop cultivars
R.D. Cousens and D.J. Fletcher   pp. 163-165
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A suggested protocol for woody shrub spot spraying experiments
M.G. McMillan   pp. 166-170
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Community approaches to containing Noogoora burr in the north of Western Australia
P. Scott and B. Uren   p. 171
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The farmer-driven skeleton weed eradication programme in Western Australia
P. Stubbs and B. Uren   p. 172
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Herbicide resistance in weeds

Invited review: Need herbicide resistance have evolved?- Generalizations from around the world
J. Gressel   pp. 173-184
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Invited review: Herbicide resistant weeds in Australia
S.B. Powles and J.A.M. Holtum   pp. 185-193
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Sulfonylurea herbicide resistant weeds in North America
D.C. Thill, C.A. Mallory-Smith, M. Alcocer-Ruthling and W.J. Schumacher   pp. 194-195
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Current status of herbicide resistance in New Zealand weeds
A. Rahman   pp. 196-200
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Spraying history and fitness of nodding thistle, Carduus nutans, populations resistant to MCPA and 2,4-D
K.C. Harrington   pp. 201-204
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A survey of annual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum, populations in South Australia and their resistance to herbicides
R. Knight   p. 205
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Farmers’ perception of the incidence of herbicide resistance in grass weeds in the wheat belt of Victoria
M.K. Moerkerk and A.G. Flynn   pp. 206-209
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Herbicide resistant annual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum, – A case study
R.L. Gammie and B.R. Mime   p. 210
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Field trials on diclofop-methyl tolerant wild oats (Avena fatua)
T.J. Piper   pp. 211-215
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Diclofop-methyl resistance in a biotype of wild oats (Avena fatua L.)
P. Boutsalis, J.A.M. Holtum and S.B. Powles   pp. 216-219
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Evaluation of the petri dish assay for screening diclofop-methyl resistance in partially resistant populations of annual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum
G.S. Gill   pp. 220-223
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On the mechanisms of resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionase and cyclohexanedione graminicides in annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum)
J.A.M. Holtum, J.M. Matthews, P.R. Liljegren, R F. H�usler and S.B. Powles   pp. 224-228
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Practical methods for controlling herbicide resistant annual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum
J.M. Matthews, J.A.M. Hohum and S.B. Powles   p. 229
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Management of herbicide resistant annual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum, in crops and pastures
R.M. Davidson   pp. 230-233
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Strategies to combat herbicide resistance with particular reference to annual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum, in south-eastern Australia
J.A. Sykes, A.R. Leys and R.M. Davidson   pp. 234-238
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The role of grazing animals in weed control
E.D. Carter   pp. 239-242
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Managing grass weeds in a rotational cropping system
R.E. Bentley   pp. 243-245
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Structural and biochemical investigations of dinitroaniline resistance
K.C. Vaughn   p. 246
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Target size and site-based herbicide resistance
J. Phillips   pp. 247-248
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The mode of action, metabolism and selectivity of diclofop-methyl between resistant and susceptible plants
K.H. Shimabukuro and B.L. Hoffer   pp. 249-250
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Effect of herbicides on the membrane potential of coleoptile cells from susceptible and cross-resistant biotypes of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum)
R.E. H�usler, J.A.M. Holtum and S.B. Powles   pp. 251-254
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Sulfonylurea resistance in cross-resistant annual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum, may involve a wheat-like detoxification system
J.T. Chrisher, D.R. Liljegren, J. Holtum and S. Powles   p. 255
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Amitrole, atrazine, metribuzin and substituted urea resistance in annual ryegrass, Lolium rigidum
M.W.M. Burnet, O.B. Hildebrarid, SR. Powles and J.A.M. Holtum   p. 256
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Short-term paraquat effects on paraquat-resistant horseweed, Conyza canadensis Cronq.
G. Varadi, E. Lehoczki, E. Szigeti and E. Polos   pp. 257-259
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Prevention and management of herbicide resistance
B.D. Maxwell, M.L. Roush and S.R. Radosevich   pp. 260-267
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Sulfonylurea herbicide resistance in weeds in cereals and non-crop areas in the U.S. and Canada
N.D. McKinley   pp. 268-270
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Negative cross-resistance to bromoxynil of paruquat-atrazine co-resistant horseweed Conyza canadensis Cronq.
E. Polos, E. Lehoczki, J. Mikulas and Gy. Varadi   p. 271
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A population of wild oats (Avena sterilis) resistant to the graminicide haloxyfop-methyl
A.M. Mansooji, J.A.M. Holtum, J.M. Matthews and S.B. Powles   p. 272
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Bipyridyl herbicide resistance in barley grass (Hordeum leporinum) and silver grass (Vulpia sp.)
E. Purba and S.B. Powles   p. 272
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Simazine resistance in Lolium rigidum
M.W.M. Burnet, B.R. Loveys, J.A.M. Holtum and S.B. Powles   pp. 273-274
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Herbicide technology

Rating the off-target hazards of herbicides
J.H. Combellack and G. Pritchard   pp. 275-278
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Structure analysis in herbicide design
H.G. McFadden and J.L. Huppatz   pp. 279-282
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Movement and persistence of chlorsulfuron and triasulfuron in a sandy soil of Western Australia
W.M. Blacklow and P. Pheloung   p. 283
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Herbicide movement and persistence in sandy soils of lupin/wheat regions in Western Australia: triazines
S.R. Walker and W.M. Blacklow   p. 284
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Simazine, atrazine and triasulfuron moved upwards in a sandy soil as water evaporated
P. Christensen, E. Damsgaard and W.M. Blacklow   p. 285
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The effect of sub lethal quantities of 2,4,5-T on tomatoes
J.H. Combellack   pp. 286-289
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Improved trifluralin with controlled release technology
A.G. Flynn, M.R. Moerkerk and M. Hannah   pp. 290-293
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Factors influencing trifluralin persistence in soil: A review
A.V. Jolley, P.K. Johnstone and J.A. Bos   pp. 294-298
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Invited review: Trifluralin persistance in soil: A review of field studies
A.V. Jolley, P.K. Johnstone and J.A. Bos   pp. 299-308
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Factors affecting spray deposition following the aerial application of herbicides
B. Richardson, J. Ray and A. Vanner   pp. 309-312
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Problems associated with the use of glyphosate after wheat harvest
W.L. Felton, G.A. Wicks and S.M. Bower   pp. 313-316
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Evaluation of a brush wiper for application of herbicides
B.G. Wills, M.M. Campbell and D. Fleming   pp. 317-321
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Preliminary results of bracken control using a wiper application
K.R. Young   pp. 322-326
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New formulation technology – Silwet� organosilicone surfactants have physical and physiological properties which enhance the performance of sprays
P.J.G. Stevens and J.A. Zabkiewicz   pp. 327-331
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The mechanism of organosilicone surfactant-induced antagonism of glyphosate uptake
R.J. Field and L.J. Tisdall   pp. 332-335
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Cycloydim – A new selective post-emergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial grasses in broad-leaved crops
C.R. Anderson   pp. 336-338
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Pyridate – A new selective broad-leaved herbicide for post-emergence use in chickpeas
J.E. Seidel and K.W. Russell   pp. 339-342
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Imazethapyr – An imidazolinone herbicide for leguminous crops
E.M. Lignowski, M.E. Jackson and D.L. Shaner   p. 343
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The use of imazethapyr and glyphosate to delay loss of feeding value in senescing ryegrass pasture
M.C. Crawford and R.J. Simpson   pp. 344-345
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Control of brigalow regrowth with the Crop King� GridballTM
G.R. Tucker and S. Walsh   pp. 346-350
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Weed-a metre
N.A. Davenhill   p. 351
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Ethokem can give glyphosate rainfastness
G.S. Wells, P.I. Hocroft and R.W. Horn   pp. 352-353
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Weeds of pastures and rangelands

Invited review: Control of annual grasses in pastures of southern Australia and implications for agriculture
A.R. Leys   pp. 354-364
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Competitive effect and response of Emex australis in a grazed annual pasture
F.D. Panetta and R.P. Randall   pp. 365-368
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Competition between fireweed, Senecio madagascariensis Poir., and Italian ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Concord
B.M. Sindel and P.W. Michael   pp. 369-372
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The use of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus Agg.) in forest succession of agricultural land
J. Rankine   p. 373
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Screening subterranean clover cultivars for their tolerance to simazine
D.J. Conan, B.S. Dear, B. Milne, B. Gammie and G.A. Sandral   pp. 374-376
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Timing of sprayping and its effect on subterranean clover regeneration
P.M. Dowling, B.R. Milne and H.G. Kelso   p. 377
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Silver grass (Vulpia spp.) control in clover and lucerne
D.W. Stephenson   pp. 378-381
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Biology and control of horehound, Marrubium vulgare
R.J. Carter   pp. 382-386
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Chemical control of horehound
M.G. McMillan   pp. 387-391
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Effect of herbicides on growth and bulb producuon of four o’clock (Oxalis purpurea L.) and soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae L.)
J.R. Pierce   pp. 392-394
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Are there nett benefits from Noogoora burr control in Western Australia?
J.M. Hector, E.J. Roberts and L.J. Crackel   pp. 395-398
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Biology and control of African rue, Peganum harmala
M. Michelmore   pp. 399-402
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Control of chinee apple, Ziziphus mauririana, with residual herbicides
M.P. Bolton   pp. 403-406
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Effect of soil moisture on the efficacy of 2,4-D and metsulfuron methyl on rubber vine – Preliminary investigation
J.S. Vitelli   pp. 407-410
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Diuron to control prickly acacia along artesian bore-drains
P.L. Jeffrey   pp. 411-413
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Spray formulation with Silwet� organosiliconc surfactants
P.J.G. Stevens, J.A. Zabkiewicz, J.H. Barran, K.R. Klischer and F. Ede   p. 414
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Jatropha gossypifolia in the Northern Terntory
J.L. Pitt, R.A. Smith and M. Crothers   p. 414
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The control of Sida species in the Northern Territory
G.C. Schultz and D.S. Van Rangelrooy   p. 415
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Biology and ecology of weeds

Invited review: The role of ecological studies in assessing weed eradication programmes
J. Dodd   pp. 416-426
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A review of the physiological basis of seed dormancy in wild oats, Avena fatua
S.W. Adkins   p. 427
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Phoeriod control of reproductive biology in wild oats, (Avena fatua)
L.J. Armstrong and S.W. Adkins   p. 428
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Cool and dark requirements for germination of darnel (Lolium temulentum L.) and implications for weed control
P. Chanprasi and W.M. Blacklow   p. 429
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Intrapopulation variabilities of Bromus diandrus Roth. and Bromus rigidus Roth
K.F. Kon and W.M. Blacklow   p. 430
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Seed longevity and periodicity of emergence of milkweed, (Euphorbia heterophylla)
W.J. Dorney and B.J. Wilson   pp. 431-433
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Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata)- How to s it before it reaches us
R.E. Cruttwell McFadyen   pp. 434-435
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Silver grass allelopathy on crop and pasture species
J.E. Pratley and J.D. Ingrey   pp. 436-439
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Assessment of barley allelopathy
D.L. Liu and J.V. Lovett   pp. 440-446
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Pennyroyal – A weed of summer-moist pastures in Western Australia
K.R. Dean   pp. 447-450
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Pentzia (Oncosiphon) spp. in Western Australia: History, distribution and significance
J. Dodd   p. 451
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Biological control of weeds

Invited review: Progress and prospects in biological control of weeds
J.M. Cullen and E.S. Delfosse   pp. 452-476
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Biological control of weeds in New Zealand – Current projects
P. Syrett   pp. 477-478
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Preliminary observations on natural enemies of South African Asparagaceae
C.A. Kleinjan and J.K. Scott   p. 479
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Potential biological control agents for Emex spp.
J.K. Scott and R.G. Shivas   pp. 480-483
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Discussion of the biological control of crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) in India, Africa and Australia
A.J. Wapshere   pp. 484-489
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The effect of biological control agents on weedy cactii in Western Australia
P.H. Coyle   pp. 490-492
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Use of goats for the control of Illyrian thistle, Onopordum illyricum
M.H. Campbell and P.J. Hoist   pp. 493-496
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The effect of goats and sheep on the growth, flowering and longevity of tall, medium and short scotch and artichoke thistles
B.A. McGregor, C.J. Reid and B.J. Scott   pp. 497-500
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Establishment of the leaf-mining moth, Dialectica scalariella, on Paterson’s curse in Western Australia
J. Dodd   pp. 501-504
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Establishment and spread of Neurostrota gunniella on Mimosa pigra in the Northern Territory
C.G. Wilson and G.J. Flanagan   pp. 505-507
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The weevil, Neochetina bruchi, could help control water hyacinth in Australia
A.D. Wright and D.A. Stegeman   pp. 508-510
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Parthenium weed rust, Puccinia abrupta var partheniicola
A.J. Tomley   pp. 511-512
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Megacyllene mellyi – A biological control agent for groundsel bush, Baccharis halimifolia, in Queensland
A.J. Tomley   pp. 513-515
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Biology and control of Parietaria judaica L., an allergenic weed in south-eastern Australia
D.A. Bass and A. Clements   pp. 516-520
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Host specificity of the nematode, Orrina phyllobia (Thorne) Brzeski, a potential biological control agent of silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cay.) in Australia
R.P. Field   p. 521
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Host range studies with the lantana mealybug, Phenacoccus parvus
J.T. Swarbrick and J.F. Donaldson   p. 522
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The establishment of the biological control agent for Paterson’s curse, Dialectica scalariella, in Victoria
R.C.H. Shepherd   p. 523
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The twig mining moth Leucoprera spartifoliella, an accidental introduction for biological control of broom, (Cytisus scoparius) in New Zealand
P. Syrett   p. 523
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Progress towards biological control of thistles in Victoria
E. Bruzzese   p. 524
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The biological control of Harrisia cactus in New South Wales
G.E. Ryan, P.J. Hodge, L.R. Tanner and K.R. Whitton   p. 524
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Aculus hyperici – A potential control agent for St. John’s wort
P. Jupp   p. 525
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A programme for the biological control of horehound in southern Australia
J. Weiss   p. 525
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Rearing of the Echium leafminer, Dialectica scalariella
T. Morley   p. 526
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Phomopsis convolvulus, a potential bioherbicide for the control of field bindweed
L. Morin and A.K. Watson   p. 527
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Research on mycoherbicides for control of Xanthium spp.
B.A. Auld, C.F. McRae and L. Morin   p. 527
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Review of the biological control of skeleton weed in Australia
A. Moore   p. 528
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Biological control of common heliotrope in Australia
A. Moore   p. 528
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Heteropsylla sp. – A biological control agent for giant sensitive plant (Mimosa invisa Mart.) in north-eastern Queensland
C.J. Lockett and M.P. Ablin   p. 529
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Weeds in forestry, horticulture and aquatic situations

Phytotoxicity of sulfonyl-urea herbicides to radiata pine
G. Dutkowski   pp. 530-534
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Stomp� – A herbicide for pre-emergence control of weeds in deciduous orchard and vine crops
G.R. Tucker and R. Chambers   pp. 535-539
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Pendimethalin – New Zealand experiences with plant tolerance on certain vegetable and fruit crops
A.J. Read   pp. 540-543
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Basta� – A new herbicide for horticulture
G.R. Perkins   pp. 544-547
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The effect of application droplet size and phoeriod on the absorption and translocation of 14C-glyphosate in terrestrial alligator weed
P.L. Eberbach, K.H. Bowmer, G. McCorkelle, P.J.M. Sale and L.W.J. Anderson   p. 548
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Bensulfuron for management of aquatic weeds in irrigation systems
G. McCorkelle, G.R. Sainty and K.H. Bowmer   pp. 549-551
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Efficient use of herbicides

Invited review: Efficient utilisation of herbicides
J.H. Combellack   pp. 552-564
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