Kathryn Batchelor
Kathryn Batchelor is a weed ecologist, President of the Weed Society of Western Australia and has been on the executive committee of the society for about 25 years.
Based in Perth, she works for CSIRO Health & Biosecurity researching eradications of WoNS weeds, techniques for detection of invasives using eDNA, and methods to improve sampling and molecular genetic analysis of our most challenging invasive plants.

Andrew Mitchell
Secretary, Weed Society of Western Australia.
Born UK 1949 and has lived in Australia since 1972. Has Hons Agric. Bot. from Reading, UK (1972).
He has worked in the natural resource management field all of his career, working mainly in the Western Australia rangelands for the WA Department of Agriculture. In 1992, started working on tropical weeds for the North Australia Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) which is now part of the Australian Governments Department of Agriculture and was co-author with Barbara Waterhouse of the NAQS weeds target list. Initially he was based in in the Kimberley and from 1999 in Darwin. When he turned 60 in 2009, he left the Commonwealth in Darwin and took up the consultancy trail in Perth, where he mainly works on arid zone and tropical botanical surveys and associated plant identification.